How to use the music data
About data
Musical scores are stored as a “PDF”. You will need “Adobe Reader” (Free of charge) to view / print files in Windows OS. Please download and install from the following link if you do not have “Adobe Reader”.
After download you should edit the file name as it will be a number.
Print a score
Musical score data is A4 size. Number of pages is not the same for each score.
How to use music files for practice
About data
Music files are stored as “MIDI”.
You can use any PC music playback software (QuickTime or Media Player) but you cannot edit files.
We recommend two ways to use these music files.
The file names are numbers. You can change them to make it more convenient.
How to use the files with Roland MT-90U (accompaniment instrument)
If you have the device, you can upload the files with USB.
Sound files can be stored in USB from your PC.
First download your data then copy MIDI files to your USB. Put your USB to MT-90U, once you can see the content, you can select and play a song.
You can now use the MT-90U’s normal functions such as practice part, tempo and repeat with these files.

How to use the “Sound Canvas” application of Roland in iPad / iPhone
*Currently sold out.
In order to use these MIDI files in the iPad / iPhone, you can use the app called “Sound Canvas”.
You have to purchase and install “Sound Canvas” prior to use, if you need help refer to iTunes trouble shooting page.
※Sound Canvas is the iPad / iPhone-only app. It is not available on a PC.
If you purchase through iPad/iPhone, download the MIDI files and open them with “Sound Canvas”.
Press and hold downloaded file and select “Sound Canvas”.
If you purchase using your computer, but you would like to use your iPad / iPhone,then sync your computer and iPad / iPhone, iTune library.

Copyright and Handling of Products
These goods are sold with permission of the copyright holder. Never edit or replicate without permission.
If you love music, keep in mind that unauthorized copying or editing hurts composers and lyricists.
Also when illegally copied materials are used, it makes difficult for companies like ours to operate.